Petition 150,000 Megawatts of Electricity Light up Nigeria Now!
A group was started in less than one week and it garnered
9,000 members and 4,000 signatures, yet how many people
Care strongly enough to devote the same level of passion
Toward holding their leaders responsible for Basic Electricity?
If you ENJOYED the basic privilege of turning on a simple light
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Sign this Petition 150,000 Megawatts of Electricity Light Nigeria
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Here Are The Enlightening Facts
Nigerians can generate 150,000 megawatts of power given
the chance. It is not the responsibility of the Federal
government of Nigeria to generate power for the country.
The function of government is to create a conducive
environment where private industrial power generating
companies can thrive, just like the Telecom companies.
Nigeria went from 500,000 telephone lines in 1999 to
over 70 million lines by 2009, because of deregulation
and private investment. We can do the same with power
and all we need to do is change the rules. Make it the
responsibility of each community to generate their own
power. There are thousands of companies and investor's
waiting to come and invest in Nigeria but can't do so
because we have no power. We have a project ready to
build and install 4,000 megawatts of power immediately
but we can't unless the rules of engagement are changed
to give access to private investors to build and distribute
their own power.
Rather than blame the leaders, the Nigerian population
should be putting pressure on the leadership to change
the rules.
"You can't solve a problem with the same mindset that created it."
The reason we have no power is because the mindset. We are responsible.
It is insane to think that you can do the same thing over and over
and expect a different result. Help us help Nigeria, sign the petition
to change the rules. The Power is now in your hands.
Focus that power on creating uninterrupted empowering energy.
Nigeria is one of the fastest growing Global Economies.
It is the 7th largest oil producer in the world.
The country is in virtually total darkness please sign
the Electricity Petition. LET THERE BE LIGHT IN NIGERIA.
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